One of the most fascinating locations on this planet has to be the star gate at Aramu Muru, otherwise known as “The Gate of the Gods.”

Sitting on the edge of Lake Titicaca in Peru, Aramu Muru is thought to be an ancient Incan construction that was abandoned many millennia ago. Standing in front of it, you see a large cliff face with what appears to be an incomplete doorway cut into the stone.

But what if it WERE completed, and its intended use is nothing our modern minds can comprehend?

Even though the mysterious location was “discovered” in the 1990s by a local tour operator, this Aramu Muru site was in actuality always known to the locals and shamans in the area because of the strange phenomena it produced.

Modern-day archaeologists and anthropologists are at a loss as to what this site was really built for. They just call it a partial Incan construction, discounting the stories from the native people.

But the truth is stranger than fiction when it comes to Aramu Muru.

Currently, many people flock to this site to experience what this false door has to offer. False doors have, in fact, been used in ancient constructions across the Earth to signify something very important.

Whether it’s a door in a tomb for the dead to go through or the signifier of an entry point into another dimension, these were created for the purpose of moving from one reality to another. And the Gate of the Gods, Aramu Muru, is no different.

At Aramu Muru, there are consistently strange accounts: sightings of balls and columns of light, a physical vibration that moves through some people when touching the stone, and even reports of strange disappearances.

One mystical account described when a couple of musicians were playing in front of the false door one warm evening, with locals gathered around. One moment, they were there playing songs. The next, they were gone—never to be seen again.

This type of occurrence has been reported more than once over the years, and it’s said that locals will not allow their children to get close to the door for fear that they will be forever lost to wherever this doorway leads.

Remote Viewing Data

From a remote viewing standpoint, this area is described as having a powerful, telluric energy that flows through it. It’s an energy that is Earth-based, where energetic frequencies come to one connection point at the gate of Aramu Muru to form a node.

This energy concentration forms right at the point of the false door on the cliff face. Because the ancients were more in tune with their natural environment than modern people are, this location was marked and used by spiritual men for centuries.

The strange qualities at the Gate of the Gods could explain why the musicians may have disappeared, as well. Remote viewers described perceiving that there were three tones, which, when made in unison, opened up an energetic doorway to a place in between dimensions. If a person made these tones, intentionally or not, they could get sucked into a vortex and become lost to this world forever.

Is this what happened to the musicians as they played their set? When they hit those three magical tones, this doorway opened up, and they become lost in a place that is in between our world and the next.

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